Antiques Stehlík - gallery selling antiques
Antiques Josef Stehlík
Address: Vídeňská 2, Olomouc, 772 00
Phone: + 420 585 203 413
Mobile phone: + 420 604 234 659
Member of Antique Dealers Association in the Czech Republic
Call us before visit.
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We specialize in old jewellery, glass, porcelain, clocks, watches, small furniture, paintings, graphics, curiosities, gold, silver and other metals objects.
Advanced search
type of antiquity N/A attractions, curiosities, other ceramics clocks & watches commodes, bureaus jewelry - bracelets jewelry - brooches jewelry - earrings jewelry - necklaces jewelry - pendants jewelry - rings metal - accessories metal candle holders paintings photographs porcelain figurines and decorations porcelain plates and side plates porcelain vases statues vessels and jars of metal
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N/A Prague Southern S. Moravia Carlsbad Vysocina Hradec Kralove Liberec Moravia-Silesia Olomouc Pardubice Pilsen Central Bohemia Usti n. L. Zlin Slovakia Abroad
Simplified search
Number of items: 108
advertisement, labels, packaging, posters , armchairs , attractions, curiosities, trivia, other , baby furniture , baby items, toys, carriages , beds , benches, desks , bookcases , buffets , cabinets , cabinets , carpets & tapestries , ceramics , chairs , clocks & watches , coat racks , coffers, chests , commodes, bureaus , couches, sofas , cupboards , desks & tables - bedside tables , desks & tables - cofee tables , desks & tables - dining tables, kitchen tables , desks & tables - dumbwaiters , desks & tables - other , desks & tables - other, remaining , desks & tables - tables for flowers , desks & tables - writing desks , devices, equipments, electronics, tools , garden decoration & accesories , garden furniture , glass - jars , glass - other , glass - vases , hunting trophies , jewelry - bracelets , jewelry - brooches , jewelry - earrings , jewelry - necklaces , jewelry - other , jewelry - pendants , jewelry - rings , lightings, fixtures - chandeliers, lamps , metal candle holders , metal pots , mirrors, vanities , musical instruments , numismatics - old coins, paper-money, medals , painting frames , paintings , philately - postage stamps, historical postcards , porcelain containers , porcelain cups & saucers , porcelain figurines and decorations , porcelain sets of dishes , sets - bedroom , sets - dining room , sets - living room , sets - other room sets , showcases, glass cases , sideboards, cupboards , sinks , special furniture & accessories , stands, pedestals, columns , statues , stools, tabourets, piano chairs , stoves, fireplaces & accessories , Table screens , vessels and jars of brass , walkinkg sticks , wall shelves , weapons and militaria , whatnots