Antiques, shops, antique furniture from Prague and all the Czech Republic


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Village square

Village square

Oil on canvas, signed Hrádková - Krattnerová.

antique gallery

652,- €




Oil on canvas, signed illegibly.

antique gallery

217,- €


Dubrovnik - Hora

Dubrovnik - Hora

Oil on cardboard, signed Hora.

antique gallery

370,- €


Spring thaw II.

Spring thaw II.

Oil on cardboard, signed Tomek 44 down on the right side.

antique gallery

283,- €


V. Brož - Forest stream

V. Brož - Forest stream

Oil on fiberboard, signed V. Brož.

antique gallery

196,- €




Oil on pasteboard, unsigned.

antique gallery

183,- €




Oil on canvas, under glass, signed illegibly. The frame is slightly damaged.

antique gallery

196,- €


Cottage in spring

Cottage in spring

Oil on pasteboard, signed J. Wajda.

antique gallery

139,- €


Number of items: 14 279