Antiques, shops, antique furniture from Prague and all the Czech Republic


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minor defects at the edges Code: IMG_1225

antique gallery

826,- €


Persian carpet, Schiraz

Persian carpet, Schiraz

only minor defects CODE: IMG_1189

antique gallery

652,- €


Persian carpet, Keshan

Persian carpet, Keshan

colour: light beige Code: IMG_1203

antique gallery

435,- €


Anatolian carpet

Anatolian carpet

cotton warp, natural colours, narrow edges, kilim Condition: kilim edge is...

antique gallery

870,- €


Persian carpet, Tabriz

Persian carpet, Tabriz

weft and warp - cotton, knots - quality wool, the fringes are not completely...

antique gallery

609,- €


Number of items: 14 281