Antiques, shops, antique furniture from Prague and all the Czech Republic


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Two putti with grapes

Two putti with grapes

Porcelain sculpture, marked Germany Schaubach Kunsr.

antique gallery

522,- €


Cobalt vase

Cobalt vase

Porcelain vase, gilded, marked Rosenthal.

antique gallery

96,- €


Cobalt vase - Březová

Cobalt vase - Březová

Porcelain vase, painted and gilded, marked EPIAG.

antique gallery

209,- €


Figural jug

Figural jug

Porcelain, glazed, unmarked.

antique gallery

122,- €


Bowl - Březová

Bowl - Březová

Oval porcelain bowl, marked Fišer and Mieg.

antique gallery

165,- €


Sapo - Meissen

Sapo - Meissen

Cup and saucer, marked Meissen.

antique gallery

152,- €


Sugar bowl - Stará Role

Sugar bowl - Stará Role

Porcelain sugar bowl, marked, perfect condition.

antique gallery

165,- €


Number of items: 14 443