Porcelain white bowl with Art Nouveau ornament - detail of advertisement
Antique: Porcelain white bowl with Art Nouveau ornament
White, colored, glazed porcelain. From the period of the German Art Nouveau. Bowl round, closed shape, with arched upper part, annular upper edge. Decorated, in the upper half, with flowing brown iridescent decor. Marked from below - embossed letters C. W. and crown, letters V. G. , numbers, indistinct blue mark (Wilhelms Feider Jaspis). Germany, the first third of the last century. Height 9.5 cm, width 16.5 cm.
on Czech-antigues.com since: 14.8.2020 20:29:07
antiques by Category: porcelain bowls, dishes and pedestal bowls
width: 165 mm
height: 95 mm
date of manufacture: 1910
country of origin: Europe – Germany
period / style: Art Nouveau
author: Oeslau, Wilhelmsfeld
number of pieces: 1
materials: white porcelain, painted porcelain
details: marked on the lower side
locality: Prague
seller - antique gallery: Antiques Pod Kinskou, Ltd.
price: 78,- €
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