Antiques Marcel Chrobák - gallery selling antiques

Antiques Marcel Chrobák

Marcel Chrobák

Address: U džungle 1151, Rychvald, 735 32

Phone: +420 596 546 379

Mobile phone: +420 602 796 422, +420 608 882 840


Member of Antique Dealers Association in the Czech Republic

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The company was founded in 1991. We provide you with expert opinions, auction sales, restoration of furniture, paintings and porcelain. We offer a large scale of antiques which will impart a unique character to your home or office and will delight the heart of every collector. We look forward to your visit, we will be glad to convince you that we can fulfil your wishes to your complete satisfaction.

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Helmet - 1850

Helmet - 1850


antique gallery

discount391,- €


Helmet - 1850

Helmet - 1850


antique gallery

discount478,- €


Battle - 1890

Battle - 1890


antique gallery

discount478,- €


Number of items: 280